Sunday, April 6, 2008

Welcome to our blog!

Allow us to introduce ourselves
Welcome to the Oxfam Action Corps - Los Angeles blog! We're a recently formed volunteer group dedicated to taking the fight to global poverty from here in Los Angeles. We're non-partisan, grassroots, open to all, and fun. We are embarking on an important campaign to flight climate poverty and injustice for the poorest communities around the globe. It's a project of Oxfam America.

Impact of Climate Change on Poor Communities Worldwide

From floods in Bangladesh to droughts in Kenya, glacier melts in Peru to hurricanes in the Caribbean, poor countries are already suffering from the effects of climate change. Oxfam America is undertaking a campaign to address the disproportionate impacts of global warming by creating equitable solutions to the crisis. We are asking that the US cut greenhouse gas emissions, and provide financial assistance so that the most vulnerable communities can adapt.

Learn more about the Climate Change campaign through the links found on the sidebar.

Our Role
We're educating our neighbors about the Climate Change campaign and the benefits of taking actions now while encouraging everyone to contact members of congress on this critical issue. We're reaching out at community festivals, concerts, homes, libraries, and special venues. Together, we can reverse the trend of climate change.

Join Us
You can make a difference. Check out the 'Get Active!' information on the sidebar and take the first step toward making a world of change.